Weekly Weigh In

scaleSurgery has been successful so far.  Swelling has gone down.  My skin at the site on my wrist will remain tender and I still have quite a bit of bruising that needs to go away.  Most of the bruising is yellow with touches of green except in my palm where there are still some dark blue areas.  Bruises will be gone within a week.

Stats for this week:

  • Starting weight: 191 lbs (9/7/2014)
  • Today: 154.5 lbs (12/10/2014)
  • Loss to date: 36.5 lbs
  • Remaining: 25.5 lbs


Wednesday Weigh In

turkeyHappy Thanksgiving!  This year we went to my In-Laws for Thanksgiving.  I had already decided that I was going to just eat turkey, salad, and whatever non saucy vegetable they offered.  Other than having a second helping of a small piece of turkey (about 2 oz.) I stuck to my plan.  My MIL was nice enough to make sugar-free jello for me for dessert.  I didn’t feel deprived because I didn’t have mashed potatoes, bread or sweet potato casserole.  I felt full and we had a great time with my husbands parents.  I couldn’t ask for better In-Laws.  They raised a wonderful, caring, and giving son who I am very fortunate to have met and married.

Stats for this week:

  • Starting weight: 191 lbs
  • Today: 159 lbs (11/26/2014)
  • Loss to date: 32 lbs
  • Remaining: 29 lbs

Can you believe that I am less than 30 lbs from my goal weight!  I am so thrilled with the results I have gotten from TSFL/Medifast.  My success is due to many factors.

  1. I am ready to change how I eat.  I have changed my view on food.  I view it as fuel and not as a treat because I had a bad or good day.  I am not going to eat food in response to my emotions, I am going to eat when I need to.  I have also learned that I need to fill my plate halfway with vegetables, 1/4 with protein and the last quarter for an optional food.
  2. I changed “I can’t” eat that to “I don’t” eat that.  It’s not that a certain food is forbidden for me to eat. (We all know how forbidden foods lead to craving.)  It’s that I don’t eat that.  Just as I can’t eat dairy and acidic foods due to my chrons, I don’t eat foods that aren’t healthy at every meal.
  3. Support from my TSFL Coach Sara and from my friends and family.  Support has been invaluable to me.  Sara answers any questions I have and has offered lean & green meal ideas.  She also makes sure I have a plan in place for upcoming holidays. My family and friends aren’t bringing over cookies and cakes.  None of them pressure me to eat more or to just take a bit.  They have been my cheerleaders and I love them for helping me.
  4. I have a plan.  With less than 30 lbs to go until I reach goal, I am already planning for my maintenance step.  I am using Plan to Eat and I am creating a new recipe book that will no longer have heavy carb recipes.  I already know carbs (bread and pasta are my kryptonite) trigger binge eating for me.




Weigh In Wednesday

tsflOnly 4 more weeks to go.  No, I am not counting down to Thanksgiving.  I am counting down to when I will be halfway to my goal.  I am losing 2 lbs per week and in 4 weeks this will put me at a 30 lb weight loss within 3 months.  I am still on track to lose my 60 lb goal by mid March.  I wasn’t tempted to eat any of my kids Halloween candy.  I ate a pinky nail bite of my favorite bread while out to eat and I wasn’t tempted to eat the entire piece.  These are things that in the past I never passed up.  I am happy that I am choosing to not eat these things at this time.  Will I eat them in the future? Yes.  Will it be in moderation?  You betcha!

Stats for this week:

  • Starting weight: 191 lbs
  • Today: 168 lbs (11/5/2014)
  • Loss to date: 23 lbs
  • Remaining: 38 lbs



hong kong


I will be taking a trip in early February to meet my best friend, Vanessa, in Hong Kong.  Before I go on vacation, I have to decide how I am going to handle my diet.  I  will be within 10 lbs of my goal weight.  I have 3 options.

  1. Go off diet – It’s a vacation after all.  I will most likely never go there again.  I don’t think I will go completely off plan. If I can bypass birthday cake and my MIL’s holiday cooking, I can stay on plan.
  2. Modify my diet – I can switch over to a 4/2 plan instead of a 5/1 plan.  This is where I would have 2 lean and green meals and 4 medifast meals.  I actually like the idea of modifying my diet.  I will bring Medifast bars and drink packets and continue to eat every 3 hours.  This will allow me to try a few foods while I am on vacation.  Plus think of all the room I will have in my suitcase once I eat all my Medifast meals!
  3. Maintain my plan – I would continue to do the 5/1 plan.  I know that this is what Medifast recommends.  I don’t think this will work for me.  Many of the meals need water and a microwave.  I don’t really want to eat cereal, pretzel sticks and bars for 10 days.

Do you stick to your diet, modify it or go off diet while on vacation?  Inquiring minds want to know.



Weigh In Wednesday

breadI have just started to really miss some foods. Thankfully none of my cravings are strong enough to derail me from making progress.  I just remind myself of my goal and keep plugging on.  Currently, I miss eating bread from Panera.  I’m not going into Panera so I won’t have to smell their freshly baked bread.  I am going to make Revolution Rolls later this week.  I think it will help with my bread cravings.

Stats for this week:

  • Starting weight: 191 lbs
  • Today: 170 lbs (10/28/2014)
  • Loss to date: 21 lbs
  • Remaining: 40 lbs
  • Goal: 130 lbs
