Fall clean up and clean out

I can’t be the only one who purges their house when the kids go back to school. I usually go through the kids clothes in August so I can take advantage of the back to school sales for new clothes. I like to wait until they are in school to go through everything else. I do put the toys the kids don’t seem to play with in a tub and store them in a closet. If they don’t ask for it, it goes in next years yard sale.

While gathering up items in my house, I was thinking about all the different types of clutter and why we accumulate so much. I figured out a few different types of clutter while I was at it.

1. Items from our past that we cling to. High school mementoes, maybe a few sport trophies or ribbons. In todays digital age, I recommend taking a picture of the item instead of having it taking up space in your home.

2. Some day clutter. This would be the dress that’s a little to snug but will fit if we lose 5 lbs, or the Kreg jig I bought because I want to try to make a small raised garden bed for the backyard. This can easily be purged with the 2 year rule. Haven’t used it in 2 years? Out it goes.

3. Things I wouldn’t wear outside of my house. Ok, so there is an area I won’t de-clutter. For me this is my painting clothes. I actually have worn it to the hardware store before, but I wouldn’t even wear it to Wal-Mart.

4. I shouldn’t have. All the items that I purchased but really didn’t need and never used. Ok ladies, this does NOT include any fantastic deals on shoes (I got a $199 shoe for $15). I recently purged through my shoes. I go through them every 2 years and if I haven’t worn them they go to my best friend who is the same size. This does include anything else in the house. If you haven’t worn it or used it in 2 years get rid of it.

5. Gifts. You all know what I’m talking about. The ugly sweater your mom bought you or your aunt knitted for you. Get rid of it! Either tell them you want to exchange it for a different color or donate it. I’m lucky and my mom and I have a rule. We would rather you return what we got you than it be a waste of money. I think we all would be happier if we all used that rule.

6. Family “heirlooms”. The ugly painting, lamp, or piece of furniture that your family hands down. There is a reason they do this. They don’t want it either! If you can’t reuse it, you either find another family member who actually wants it or you get rid of it.

If you use the 2 year rule you will be amazed at how much stuff you will purge out of your house. You will also feel better getting rid of all the clutter.

Later Y’all

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